High Rockies Kids

Homeschool Enrichment Program

High Rockies Kids Homeschool Enrichment is an academic enrichment program designed to support and enrich homeschool education. We have two learning pathways one in the morning 8:15-12 and one in the afternoon 12-3:45.  The two programs focus on different skills: FUN-damental skills (reading, writing, and math) and Multidiciplinary Thematic Units (focus on science/social studies). We serve grades K-8.

Homeschool Enrichment Program Learning Pathways

FUN-damental Skills – Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15-12:00

  • Integrates basic skills of the following content areas: Reading, Writing, Communicating, Math, Leadership, Teamwork, and Social Emotional Learning

  • Individualized and small group instruction based on specific needs and learning goals

  • Learning Stations for skill practice and interest-based investigations/projects

  • Parents as partners to continue the learning at home and support the homeschooling journey

  • Quarterly Student Learning Journey Meetings with student, parents, and teachers

Multidisciplinary Thematic Units – Selected days from 12:00-3:45 (approximately 45 hours)

  • Experiential learning in a thematic unit that integrates knowledge across all subject areas

  • From group learning about a topic, students will design a project of their choice to investigate an area of interest related to the topic, then present to classmates and community members

  • Focused on learning real-world skills: research, data collection and analysis, communication, presentation, and collaboration

  • Parents as partners to build a schedule that includes a kickoff field trip, 4 instructional days, 4 work days to check in with teacher and classmates on progress, a presentation practice day and participation in the group’s culminating community presentation

  • Students will need to enroll in 2-3 units each semester

  • Quarterly Student Learning Journey Meetings with students parents, and teachers 

Guiding Principles

Instruction will be individualized for each student based on their academic development and social, emotional, and leadership needs to ensure they are working towards Colorado Academic Standards at their grade level or above using the following structures:

  • Student Led/Project Based Learning (PBL)

  • Multi-Age Cohorts (K-8)

  • Outdoor Education

  • Community Embedded

  • Thematic Interdisciplinary Units

  • Democracy in Action

  • Parents as Partners

Enrollment for 2025-2026

Our program is fully enrolled for 2024-2025; however, if you would like to be on the waitlist in case a spot opens up, please fill out the form or send an email to the address below.

Please CLICK HERE to apply for the 2025-2026 school year. Be sure to specify interest in one of our Learning Pathways.
Prospective parents are encouraged to attend a HSE-specific information session. Please contact homeschool.enrichment@highrockiescommunityschool.org for information about these opportunities or with questions about Homeschool Enrichment enrollment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the cost of the program?
This is a publicly-funded, tuition-free program. There is a student fee of $100 to cover the cost of supplies and field trips. There are no student supply lists. This fee covers all of your student’s supplies and field trips.

Q: Will my student have homework?
A: Students will not have traditional homework. However, you should expect to read for 20 minutes each night and engage with student projects and learning through discussions, extra research/reading, and outdoor exploration of the topic.

Q: Am I required to volunteer?
A: There will be numerous opportunities for you to be involved in your student’s learning and families are required to volunteer a minimum of 5 hours per month.

Q: What are the requirements of the teachers in this program?
A: Teachers are required to have mastery of their academic discipline and have a strong ability to convey information to young people. Lead teachers are required to hold a CO teaching license.